Friday, June 14, 2013

Bandar Laddu


  • Gram Flour – 125 gms
  • Sugar – 125 gms
  • Cardamoms – 6
  • Ghee – 65 gms


1. Mix gram flour with water (Around 50ml) and make dough.

2. Transfer this dough into a greased chakli press. Add oil into a pan and heat it. When oil is hot, press the gram flour dough into the oil with the help of chakli.
3. Take the fried murruku into a plate and allow it to cool. Crumble the murruku with fingers and break into small pieces.
4. Take a dry mixer jar and add the crumbled murruku pieces and grind to a fine powder. Keep the mixture aside till use.
5. Take sugar in a bowl and add 65gms of water. Heat the sugar and cook on high flame till the sugar is dissolved.
6. Make sugar syrup till one thread consistency and add cardamom powder.
7. Then add powdered gram flour mixture and mix well.
8. Smear some ghee on palms. While the mixture is still warm, take a portion of the prepared mixture and form smooth ball (laddu)

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