Thursday, July 25, 2013

Senagapappu Chutney (Bengal-gram or Channa Dal Chutney)


  • Senagapappu - 1 Cup
  • Green Chilies - 5-6
  • Tamarind pulp - 1 - 2 Tsp
  • Salt - to taste
  • Oil - few drops


  1. Dry roast senagapappu in kadai. Add few drops of oil in kadai & fry green chilies. (Both separately) 
  2. Grind roasted senagapappu, fried green chilies, tamarind pulp and salt to smooth paste. (Add water while grinding to get chutney consistency)
  3. Serve with  Dosa, Idli !!!
P.S: This Chutney must be spicy :)

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